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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Prop. 27C - Lk 20:27-38 - Structural Diagram

The Resurrection and Marriage- Luke 20:27-38

Passage Structure
v27-33 Sadducees try to stump Jesus, with a silly question
v34-36 Jesus shows Sadducees their lack of knowledge
v37-38 Jesus proves to Sadducees that the resurrection is taught in the Torah.

27 Some of the Sadducees,
…..…..who say there is no resurrection,
…..came to Jesus with a question.
28 "Teacher,"
…..…..they said,
….."Moses wrote for us
…..…..that if a man's brother dies
…..…..…..and leaves a wife
…..…..…..but no children,
…..…..…..…..the man must marry the widow
…..…..…..…..and have children
…..…..…..…..…..for his brother.
29 Now there were seven brothers.
…..The first one
…..…..married a woman
…..…..…..and died childless.
30-31 The second
…..…..and then the third
…..…..married her,
…..…..and in the same way
…..…..…..the seven died,
…..…..…..…..leaving no children.
32 Finally,
…..the woman died too.
33 Now then,
…..at the resurrection
…..…..whose wife will she be,
…..…..…..since the seven
…..…..…..…..were married to her?"
34Jesus replied,
….."The people of this age
…..…..and are given in marriage.
35 But those
…..who are considered worthy

…..…..of taking part in that age
…..…..and in the resurrection
…..…..…..…..from the dead
…..…..…..will neither marry
…..…..…..nor be given in marriage,
36 and they can no longer die;
…..for they are like the angels.
…..They are God's children,
…..…..since they are children
…..…..…..of the resurrection.
37 But in the account of the bush,
…..even Moses
…..…..showed that the dead rise,
…..…..…..for he calls the Lord
…..…..…..…..'the God of Abraham,
…..…..…..…..and the God of Isaac,
…..…..…..…..and the God of Jacob.'
38 He is not
…..the God of the dead,
…..…..but of the living,
…..….…...for to him
…..…..…..…..all are alive."

Repeating words or ideas
resurrection - v27, 33, 35, 36
age - v34, 35
marry - v28, 29, 30, 31

v36 since - God's children/children of the resurrection
v37 for - the dead rise/Moses calls the Lord "God of Ab. Isac. Jac."

v38 but - not God of dead/God of Living

v36 like - "those worthy of taking part in that age" like angels

Names/Titles of God

v28 Lists of conditions under which a man must take his brother's wife for his own.
a. death of brother
b. leaves a wife
c. there is no children

v37 List of OT Patriarchs in conjunction with a title of God
a. God of Abraham
b. God of Isaac
c. God of Jacob.

the king of the Hill

1. Structural Diagram
2. Surrounding Context
3. Key Cross References
4. Key Questions
5. Thoughts and Meditation

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